Rachel Fletcher

October Events and Updates from DTS Connex

Every October, after surviving the back-to-school season, we have the same reaction:

How is it already holiday prep time?

And yet here we are. Which means it’s time for our annual webinar: How to Streamline Your Holiday Change Order Process.

During the workshops, DTSers from around the country got to brush up on platform basics, industry best practices, and powerful search and reporting training. And all attendees got a DTS Connex Certification badge they could claim and share on LinkedIn, letting their connections know they’re pros as managing cash with DTS Connex.

September Events and Updates from DTS Connex

Last month, we hosted hundreds of DTS users, partners, and friends at two separate DTS Connex Virtual Workshop events.

During the workshops, DTSers from around the country got to brush up on platform basics, industry best practices, and powerful search and reporting training. And all attendees got a DTS Connex Certification badge they could claim and share on LinkedIn, letting their connections know they’re pros as managing cash with DTS Connex.

August Events and Updates from DTS Connex

There’s still time to join the hundreds of DTSers attending our August Virtual Workshop Webinars and getting DTS Connex certified!

We’re gearing up for our biggest webinars yet, and we don’t want you to miss out.

Join us for a condensed and consolidated version of our Spring Workshop Series and earn your DTS Connex Virtual Workshop certification, complete with a digital badge you can add to your LinkedIn profile!

Learn more about the virtual workshop below and register today.

DTS Connex Virtual Workshop Webinar Replay & Feedback Survey

When it comes to getting clean data, it’s a team effort.

That’s why our DTS Connex Virtual Certification Workshop is for everyone in your organization, from End Users and Store Ops to Treasury and Loss Prevention personnel.

If a chain is only as strong as its weakest link, then technology is only as powerful as the knowledge and ingenuity of those who wield it. We have some of the most creative, insightful clients in the business, so it’s our job to make using DTS Connex simple, allowing our clients to use their brainpower serving their customers, not figuring out how to use our system.

July Events and Updates from DTS Connex

Good news! Becoming DTS Connex Certified is now easier than ever!

This past Spring, we offered in-person DTS Connex workshops and certification to customers in three cities across the US. Some of you weren’t able to travel to us and expressed interest in a virtual workshop.

Well, we heard you! This August, we’re offering a virtual DTS Connex Workshop Webinar on two different dates and times.

June Events and Updates from DTS Connex

Your monthly DTS Connex newsletter is here! And this month, it’s all Workshops all the time.

Over the next month or so, we still have two DTS Connex Workshops coming to cities near you. 

Schools might be letting out soon, but the DTS Classroom is now in session! And in this classroom, sometimes you’re the students, and sometimes you’re the teachers!

May Events and Updates from DTS Connex

Your monthly DTS Connex newsletter is here! And this month, it’s all Workshops all the time.

Over the next month or so, we still have two DTS Connex Workshops coming to cities near you. 

Schools might be letting out soon, but the DTS Classroom is now in session! And in this classroom, sometimes you’re the students, and sometimes you’re the teachers!

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