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Device Insights

Device InSites

Simplify daily cash operations management through a visual reporting suite that provides an integrated picture of cash across all locations inclusive of all relevant device, DTS Connex transaction, and internal cash information.

Device InSites at a Glance
  • With DTS Connex Device InSites, we collect, display, and monitor real-time transaction information across multiple managed service providers and devices so that our partners can view critical device data and streamline processes both in-store and back office.
  • Relevant information can be viewed at-a-glance by day, week, or month, allowing users across the enterprise to quickly identify discrepancies or recurring issues with industry partners.
  • Provides summary views and exception information across all locations and devices.
  • The solution offers partners a single point of integration to automate in-store and back-office processes.
  • Connects with any managed service provider or device.
  • Unifies and normalizes data to provide centralized smart device information.
  • Builds a complete picture of cash by visualizing device information alongside other DTS Connex information like change orders and internal information like POS amounts.
  • Creates a single point of integration for back office automation and reporting.
  • Allows enterprise visibility to smart safe data and real-time access to transaction information.