
Bite-Size Training Videos | May 2022

Finding the perfect balance between picking a password that’s both secure and memorable is a challenge not unique to your DTS Connex login. And hard as they might try, your users are bound to forget their passwords every once in a while. To err is human! You could even have a new store user who never learned the previous password before taking over the DTS login.

Thankfully, while resetting a password might be a common issue in your organization, it doesn’t have to be time consuming. If you have a minute and a half and a bookmarks button on your internet browser, you’ve got a quick guide to resetting a user’s password you can access anytime or share with anyone in your organization with admin capabilities thanks to this month’s Bite-Size Video.

Our second Bite-Size Video this month focuses on how to quickly send a mass communication to all users in your organization. Whether you’re reminding users of an upcoming holiday or have a message to share that’s specific to DTS usage, you don’t have to leave our dashboard to communicate with your users. Check out our three minute Bite-Size Video.

Bite-Size Training Video Release #2

Our second round of bite-size training videos are here!

At the end of 2021, we learned that there was high demand for short videos that cover a range of common DTS Connex admin usage topics. These videos are specifically geared toward day-to-day administrator contacts. 

We’re continuing to develop videos and create a place for these resources to live where they can be conveniently accessed whenever you need them. While we develop additional videos, we’d love to know what you think! 

Bite-Size Training Video Release

Bite-size training videos are here!

At the end of 2021, we learned that there was high demand for short videos that cover a range of common DTS Connex admin usage topics. These videos are specifically geared toward day-to-day administrator contacts. 

We recently released our first batch of these much-requested micro training videos. Access the Bite-size videos today or save the link to your bookmarks so you can reference or share the videos as needed.

How to Prepare for Holiday Change Orders with Armored Carrier Service Training Webinar

During our November Pop-Up Webinar, Partner Success Specialist Jess Goodwin walks through ways to get ahead of the seasonal rush, like ordering change in advance, using existing DTS Connex tools to remind users of changes, and even schedule makeup days for Armored Carriers. Learn tips on how to prepare for holiday change orders if you use DTS Connex with Armored Carrier Service.

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