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2020 User Forum: Safe InSites

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Safe InSites will enable retail partners to connect their smart safes to DTS Connex through a new Safe API designed to collect real-time transaction information directly from multiple managed service providers.

The data collected through this new Safe API will be made available through the DTS Connex Safe InSites dashboard and reporting interface to better visualize safe transaction data, identify issues, and conduct detailed research across the enterprise.

It also opens up new possibilities for advanced integrations to streamline in-store or back office processes by automating the transmission of safe transaction information.

Check out the forum session video to see where we are headed with this new solution due for release in 2021. And please contact us to learn more.

About the DTS Connex User Forum

This content was featured at the virtual edition of the DTS Connex User Forum in December 2020. The user-led forum saw more than 130 attendees from more than 60 companies. If you have questions about the content, please reach out to or call (410) 876-5756.