
November Updates from DTS Connex - DTS Connex

Written by Christine Wallace | Nov 2, 2022 4:00:00 AM

Our November newsletter is chock-full of important upcoming events, pending updates, and available resources that you can use to make your DTS Connex experience even better!  

This past month, we got to engage with many in our user community at the national AFP conference and are feeling more excited than ever to create tools and resources that serve you better. To those we saw in Philadelphia and those we didn’t– thank you for being valued members of our special community!  

Keep reading to discover what we have for you this November. 



DTS Connex Webinar: Leveraging Data with DTS Connex Dashboards

Thursday, December 1st 1pm – 2pm ET

Get better data at a glance with DTS Connex Dashboards! The Dashboard tool complements the reports and searches you already use but presents data and information in a way that makes it easy for users to take action on key items.

Join DTSer Vince Buscemi as he models how to set up a Dashboard and walk away with three Dashboard templates to help you make better use of your data. 


October Bite-Size Videos: “How to Create a Holiday Change Order Template” & “How to Create a Change Order Delivery Template”

The holiday season comes with often unavoidable interruptions in Change Order delivery service. The “How to Create a Holiday Change Order Template” explains how to create or edit your Change Order Delivery Template so you can have an accurate picture of what days deliveries actually take place over the holiday season.  

The “How to Create a Change Order Delivery Template” shows how admin users can update Change Order delivery information by location. Click the button below to watch these Bite-Size Videos! 


DTS Connex at the AFP Conference

We had a great time seeing familiar faces at the AFP Conference in Philadelphia a few weeks ago. Connecting with our user community and collaborating on new ideas and improvements for 2023 always reminds us why we love what we do. 

Keep an eye out for an email in the coming weeks detailing the insights and priority projects we’ve identified for 2023. 



  • Watch October’s bite-size video or bookmark for future reference

Thanks for checking in on what’s happening with DTS Connex this July. As always, if we can help with anything, email or check in with your Partner Success Specialist.