
Bite-Size Training Videos | June 2022 - DTS Connex

Written by Christine Wallace | Jun 30, 2022 3:52:00 PM

Our Bite-Size Videos this month focus on two new features:  

  1. “Stale Deposits,” a significant improvement to our existing “Phantom Deposits” feature in DTS Connex. Stale Deposits enables an end user to continuously source and utilize clean data by removing deposits made in error. 
  1. “Deleted Deposit” reason codes, a new tool useful for adding context surrounding deposits in the DTS Connex dashboard. In short, if a deposit is deleted, you can create customized reason codes (such as “torn bag,” “duplicate,” “miscount,” etc.,) that you require users to add to deleted or stale deposits. This gives personnel reviewing this information the ability to group deposit issues meaningfully and detect any patterns in deposits made in error or other anomalies. 

These features are easy to use, take seconds to implement, and save hours of investigation when trying to reconcile data. 

Learn how to use these tools in just minutes by watching June’s Bite-Size Videos. 

Stale Deposits

How to Set Up Deleted Deposit Reason Codes

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  2. Select the button below to view more of the available bite-size videos.