
Get caught up on all things DTS Connex - DTS Connex

Written by jshugars | Aug 3, 2021 5:32:00 PM

If there was an Olympics for cash management tools, we know DTS Connex would be taking home the gold!  

Convenience, ingenuity, ease of use? Tens across the board! 

And just like the Olympics, where some events that aren’t exactly “must watch” (speed walking, anyone?), we don’t want to spam you with information every time we have a new update or announcement. That’s why we save all the highlights for this monthly post, a time to focus on the essentials! 

Everything you need to know for the month of August, right here for you.  


Deposit Consolidation

An additional Deposit Consolidation process is now live, providing customers with a new way to consolidate deposits.

There are currently two options for consolidating deposits:

1. Consolidate Across Business Days

Deposit received and processed by bank represents multiple business days

For example, instead of creating seven deposits across a seven-day week, several days could be consolidated, requiring only three deposits over seven days. 

2. Consolidate Within a Business Day

Deposit received and processed by bank represents multiple entities’ sales in a single business day
In this instance, entities are unique points of sales operating under one roof. For example, multiple deposits created per day (twelve deposits created per seven business days) via multiple entities such as a register and a kiosk can be consolidated into fewer deposits.
Reach out to if you’re interested in learning more about the consolidation processes and how consolidating your deposits can help save you time and resources.

Advanced Integration Services

The Partner API is updated to include Intraday Entries. The update also allows users to create shipping labels and request pick-ups. The API can also be used with recyclers, allowing users to print deposit advices directly from a recycler device.

Safe InSites

The first round of Safe InSites is in process. We’ll continue to share more about this exciting development in the coming months.
For now, if you’re interested in seeing a live demo or learning more about its features, please contact In the meantime, if you’d like to see a sneak peek of the dashboard, please reach out to us to request a link to view May’s Partner Showcase session.

For questions about these recent releases and enhancements, please reach out to


July Pop-Up Webinar: Admin Training

In July, we hosted an Admin Training Pop-Up to review admin responsibilities and introduce tips, tricks, and user tools and features available in DTS Connex.
If you’re a DTS Connex admin user and missed the training, click here to watch the video replay for the DTS Connex with Armored Couriers session and here for the DTS Connex with Non-Armored Couriers session. 

Mid-Year Recap: June 2021

In June, we sent a mid-year update email to catch you up on all our events and release highlights so far this year. Think of this as quick index of everything of note we’ve shared this year.
If you missed it the first time around, you can check it out here.


  • Watch the Admin Training Pop-Up video replay if you missed the webinar, click here for DTS Connex with Armored Couriers and here for DTS Connex with Non-Armored Couriers.
  • Read the Mid-Year Recap email.

Thanks for checking in on what’s happening with DTS Connex this August. As always, if we can help with anything, email or check in with your Partner Success Specialist.