
2020 User Forum: Deposit Consolidation - DTS Connex

Written by jshugars | Jan 13, 2021 10:55:02 PM
Download the session slides here.

Deposit Consolidation is not a new feature, nor is it new to the DTS Connex User Forum, having been a breakout topic in 2018.

Two years ago, Barnes and Noble Bookstores piloted the process of only creating a deposit prior to courier services to save employee time and costs associated with preparing and processing daily deposits using the DTS Connex Intraday deposit solution.

After two years of socializing this concept within our user community, we were excited to have Kimberly Clark from Walgreens and Ken Gibson from J.P. Morgan Chase share their story, which includes an overview of Walgreens’ approach to deposit consolidation and how banks can help retail partners close the gap on deposit reconciliation when transitioning from a daily deposit model to a consolidated approach.

Watch the forum session video and please contact us to learn more.

About the DTS Connex User Forum

This content was featured at the virtual edition of the DTS Connex User Forum in December 2020. The user-led forum saw more than 130 attendees from more than 60 companies. If you have questions about the content, please reach out to or call (410) 876-5756.