
Safe Count Webinar

This webinar features our most popular store cash tool – Safe Count. Find out how customers use this flexible tool to count and audit units like change funds, tills, deposits, gift cards, etc. in every safe at every location. We are honored to have Susan Colross, Director of Treasury at T-Mobile, and Lena McCready, Program Manager at Nordstrom, join us to share their perspective.

Drawer Reconciliation Webinar

This webinar recording features our newest store cash tool: Drawer Reconciliation. Find out how customers use this solution to gain visibility into day by day, drawer by drawer, and employee by employee drawer close activity. Thank you to Bill Garbrecht, Senior Director of Operation Services at Boston Market, for joining us to share his experience with the solution.

The Change Order Evolution

Arby’s, Nordstrom, and Barnes and Noble Education joined us for this webinar to talk about their unique change order process. The conversation featured how they use DTS Connex Standard (One-Time) web Orders, Recurring (Standing) Orders, Order Approvals, or a combination of the three.

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